Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Waiting for Baby Hanks

Well, now!  As I sat editing photos of my beautiful expectant daughter and Ryan (and Felix), the phone call came that Lindsey was on the way to the hospital for an emergency c-section.

Needless to say... I dropped the editing and lifted up fervent prayers instead.

Any other activity wouldn't do.  
So on went the fireplace, tea kettle and more prayers.

Christmas music had been playing as I edited and lingered on as I went to pray.

 As I waited to hear the welcoming news,
I listened to many happy, musical strains
about a Baby to be born.

I could sense the anticipation of that Baby many years ago!

 (Felix is enjoying cuddle time while he can...)

 When that Baby's cry broke the night's silence of breathless anticipation,
all of heaven broke out in celebration!

And I experienced a glimpse into that heavenly joy today!

And the music sang on praising God for that Baby...

 I know heaven rejoiced today as God put into motion His plan for His little Kylee Rose.

Family and friends are celebrating with much joy at the arrival of this bundle of love!

I cannot wait to meet you, sweet Kylee Rose!
Give her kisses and cuddles from Grandma until I get there myself!  ♥