Monday, December 19, 2016

Story of NOEL

Once upon a time, in the very Beginning, there was a majestic Kingdom, full of light and full of joy.

And it was very good.

For, the King who reigned over the dominion loved and cared for His people.  Closely acquainted with His subjects, knowing them by name, He endowed upon them unique abilities and regally conscripted each one to the care of His Kingdom according to their talents.

Evenings He would fellowship with them, conversing over their day and giving ear to their aspirations at night. Indeed, He taught them wisely and lovingly over the Ways of His Kingdom, beholding His people to flourish within the bounds His light, joy and companionship.

Woefully, there came a bitter day when the Evil Lord of everything dark and foul crept into this Kingdom of Light, seeking to devour whomever he could entice with his trickery.  For he hated the Light with all of his nasty soul and sought to destroy it... because he, too, once lived among the Light and beauty. With vain jealousy in his proud heart, he futilely strove to usurp the Majesty's throne, which found him fatally hurled from the King’s presence.  

Vengeance now reigned in the Dark Lord’s heart.

It was with his deceitful smoothness that he wove his web of delicious lies, tempting the citizens of the Light to mistrust the King who lovingly led His people. Trapped by their own desire for the illusionary power, they, too, were expelled from the presence of the King, in whose dominion no evil could abide.

And so they found themselves far away in gloomy darkness, sore alone, and encrusted with every thing unclean.  There they mourned for the King they had loved, ashamed of their doubt and treachery.

The evil lord misused the people’s talents for all his ugly purposes, gleefully pitting one subject against another, destroying all that was ever good.

“Unwanted.  Unloved.  Unlovely.  No good,” accused the whispers of the Evil Lord, binding them tightly with his lies.

The whispered accusations, however, were unfounded.  The King of the Light had called and sought out His people whom He loved. Messengers were sent to His faraway captives, armed with His own whispers of love - giving them hope, courage and a future. Yes, the King would come and ransom them.  It would take the very life blood of His Son. An unseemly price, but the King’s Love knew no bounds.

So it was, that those living in darkness would lift up their eyes to the mountain looking for the King’s help.  Eager were they to glimpse the feet of them who would bring them good news, announcing peace and proclaiming news of happiness that their King still reigns.  He was coming.

And they waited.
The King was preparing. 
The battle lines were being drawn.  
The Dark Lord paced, waiting to devour.

Finally, as it was the fullness of time, the King drew back the veil of His Kingdom sending forth His Son, His very own Son, to wage war to free His people.

The battle cry came… in the cry of an infant.
The Dark Lord’s counterfeit throne was usurped… in the feeding trough of some lowing cattle.
The valiant warriors of the King’s majestic army descended… singing over the night sky to a shepherd’s audience.

The Battle had begun; and the Dark Lord was caught unawares.

God invaded on that glorious night. 

This is Christmas.     

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