Happy birthday to my mom!
I called to wish her a happy day... and she chuckled and said that I can't get around wishing her a happy birthday without using the phrase "that's a whole lot of...!" years, or whatever! You name it; fill in the blank.
It's number 75 today. ♥
She said that's a whole lot of years!
I said she hadn't just been living a "whole lot of" years... but that it has been a whole lot of life conquered!
To which she replied, "See? You can't NOT say... 'a whole lot of''.... no matter what you wish me!"
Merp. Ok. I'll rephrase that. She has made not just "a whole lot of" life, but she has created much history and influenced the outcome of History.
And I shall present 75 ways she has done that!
I will say, that for a number these she did have help from her faithful sidekick, my dad. They are quite a team in history-shaping. Yet, without her, life for everyone would have been different and dull.
1. She married my dad. THAT is a game-changer right there. This would deserve another list!
2. Because of her, my brother Bill has life... and maybe a maimed pitching elbow, but also delighted other families with uniquely designed homes, engineered HVAC in commercial buildings, employed others, daddyhood and a husband for Bev!
3. Then there's ME! Yay, me! and mommyhood and a wife for Roger!
4. And Douglas who has served others with his different work throughout the years, encouraged me, and carries on the concertina legacy....
5. Collette, serving at her workplaces and church and teaching and beautifying her family's life and a wife for Chris!
6. Lynette, providing smiles with her girlhood pigtails and serving now with all her creative talents, and a wife for Nate!
7. Ryan, a source of amusement and techie skills, daddyhood, and dedicated worker at Bill's engineering firm, and a husband for Lindsey!
8. Steve, providing music enjoyment, and love of Creation and adventure with teens, and a love for Lea!
9. Christie, more girlhood pigtail smiles, creative talents, organizing skills,worker for Bill, and a wife for Derrick!
10. James, a source of humor, and honing skills for future patient care, and a husband for Kristen!
11. Susan, more pigtail smiles, brains and bringing pizzazz to all her acquaintances' lives!
12. Justin, audacious stories, honing future skills for patients, and outreach to many people along the way!
13. Josh, entertaining discussions and a skill to debate ideas in public
14. Jenna, bringing her girlish delights to all, serving with all her creative abilities
15. Nick, admirable memory master, training for what God has planned
16. Paul, impish smile bringing cheer and fun
17. Kylee, sweet little person bringing out love in her family
** all above names could not exist and be an influence without my Mom**
18. Childhood friendships, including Maureen... who she would find "a whole lot of years" later, for mutual encouragement
19. Big sister to show life's ropes to Uncle Bob20. Big sister to Aunt Lise, encouraging her along her way
21. Making our childhood home a happy place to grow up
22. Instilling a love of reading to us kids... and Uncle Tony lol!
23. Teaching us to be polite
24. Teaching us joy of contentment
25. Showing us how to work with our hands
26. Modeling good stewardship with what we have
27. Showing how to be creative with our resources
28. Instilling in us to finish
29. Showing us Jesus (!) to enjoy Him forever
30. Helping us to love and memorize God's Word
31. Training us to think logically
32. Opening her home to those who needed a home
33. Befriending many who needed encouragement and direction
34. Being a Picture Lady... instilling the love of art in children
35. Providing years of assistance to teachers as Room Mom (sorry for last minute treat reminders...)
36. Working hard in the diverse community to promote unity
37. Serving ladies in a sewing store
38. Creating sell-able art for others to enjoy
39. Teaching Sunday School children about her Jesus
40. Bringing many women to know Jesus
41. Discipling women in the Word
42. Sharing Jesus with Dad... and wow, what a ripple effect this has been!
43. Keeping the Bible League up and running with computer IT services before it was a "thing". You rock!
44. Sharing books with many children in Story Hour at public libraries.
45. Systemizing the computer systems at libraries.
46. Explaining why we don't need to have fear... what is worse case scenario? We are with Jesus!!
47. Hospitality to soooo many people.
48. The Great Encourager to Moms
49. Beating back selfish effects of culture
50. Showing how to have a good attitude about chores (although it took me a while to get it!)
51. Her prayers have covered a multitude of people and a multitude of circumstances. Innumerable. Priceless.
52. Giving direction and help in family trials
53. Preserving backyard nature sanctuaries
54. Showing how to research
55. Supporting kids in other countries with sustenance.
56. Blessing a small group of (delinquent) high schools kids with the best lunch EVER.
57. Explaining (and preparing) nutrition in meals
58. Giving decorating basics: something dull, something bright, something dark, something light
59. Drilling home "Oh, what tangled webs we weave when we first practice to deceive."
60. Giving us Grandma Babysitting services, to refresh marriages and explore work education
61. Direct how to create and perform marionette productions
62. Providing secretarial services in Chicago and to churches
63. Guiding us to finding good in all circumstances.
64. Tutoring in the love of baking
65. Serving on so many committees
65. Serving dinners to hundreds of people on Wednesday Nights
66. Providing a traveling teatime to shut ins
67. Serving lunches to school kids
68. Modeling fresh perspectives
69. Modeling and teaching happiness of being a wife
70. Passing on holiday traditions that bind families together
71. Pointing out and admiring creation
72. Running Summer Park District programs for kids
73. Putting fun in vacations with Treasure Hunts and activities
74. Too much to recall for #74 for her love for her parents as a daughter
75. Being my best friend... changing my History for the best :>)
These are just the first 75 ways she has impacted lives.
And within each of these are the continuing beautiful domino effects begun by her hands and heart.
Happy birthday, Mom! You sure made "a whole lot of" sweet imprints on this world with your life!
** I'm blogging this away from my home... and away from my boxes of photos. I wish there were many pictures I could have added to this post. Yet this time, a thousand words will suffice to paint the one true picture of my mom's lovely heart.**